Welcome to type-guarder!
A simple, powerful and flexible runtime type checker for TypeScript.
- Verify types at runtime
- Automatically access typed values
- Support for custom types
Install with your favorite package manager:
pnpm i type-guarder
Import T
from type-guarder
import { T } from "type-guarder";
T.string().conforms("Hello World!"); // true
import { T } from "type-guarder";
const checker = T.Object({
name: T.Object({
first: T.String(),
last: T.String(),
email: T.Regex(^[^\s@]+@[^\s@]+\.[^\s@]+$/),
phone: T.Nullable(T.string()),
address: T.Nullable(
street: T.String(),
apt: T.Nullable(T.String()),
zip: T.Union(T.String(), T.Integer()),
// value will now be a typed object
const value = checker.unwrap({
name: {
first: "Elijah",
last: "Cobb",
email: "elijah@elijahcobb.com",
phone: null,
address: {
street: "1234 Main St.",
apt: null,
zip: 12345
console.log(value.name.first); // Elijah
Check out the functions you can use with type-guarder:
Check out the built in types starting with Boolean.
Elijah Cobb