Built-In Types


Provide n types to the Union function and it will return a type guard that will check if the value conforms to at least one of the provided types.

Note, this type is used internally for many other types like:


import { T } from "type-guarder";
T.Union(T.Number(), T.String()).conforms("Hello, world!"); // true
T.Union(T.Number(), T.String()).conforms(3); // true
T.Union(T.Number(), T.String()).conforms(null); // false
T.Union(T.Null(), T.String()).conforms(null); // true
T.Union(T.Number(), T.String()).conforms([]); // false
T.Union(T.Number(), T.String()).conforms(true); // false
T.Union(T.Integer(), T.Boolean(), T.String()).conforms(true); // true
T.Union(T.Integer(), T.Boolean(), T.String()).conforms(3); // true
T.Union(T.Integer(), T.Boolean(), T.String()).conforms(3.4); // false